A great thing happened in the year 571 A.D. (the Christian Era). Muhammad, the last prophet, was born in Mecca 571 years after the prophet Isa. His father was Abdullah, who died before his birth. He lost his mother, Aminah, when he was only 6 years old. He married Khadijah when he was 25 years old. She was a noble lady of Mecca. He lived for 63 years. He received the first revelation from Allah in 611 A.D. When he was 40. At that time the Arabic people were idol worshippers. For 25 years he preached the message of truth. Muhammad invited the people to return to Islam.
From: Drs. Djamaluddin Darwis, M.A. English For Islamic Studies. Jakarta PR RajaGrafindo Persada
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