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Prophet Muhammad (2)
The Arab people were invited by Muhammad to accept Islam. Some responded favourably, but most of them rejected Islam. They also turned against him. In 622 A.D. Muhammad migrated to Medina. It was in the 12th year of his prophet-hood. In Medina he was accepted as a leader of an Islamic state. There he established the foundations of the relation among Muslim people and between Muslim and non-Muslim people in general.
The Islamic calendar began from the time of migration in Arabic is Hijrah. In Mecca he tried to establish belief in One God among Arabic people. In Madina he tried to establish a social life among many different people. Muhammad continued to preach Islam in Medina. He worked with unmatched patience and great wisdom.
A short time after his death the message of Islam spread to most parts of the world. Islam contributes to world history. It also contributes to civilization and scientific development. Today, about 1.,,, million Muslims all over the world accept Islam.

From: Drs. Djamaluddin Darwis, M.A. English For Islamic Studies. Jakarta PR RajaGrafindo Persada
Prophet Muhammad (2) Reviewed by Ryuu Sasori on Saturday, September 27, 2014 Rating: 5

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